Top 5 Books so Far...

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We are about half way through 2014 and it is time to give you my top 5 list reading list. At the end of the year, I will be sure to post the top ten list. You can click each title to find the where to buy it. 

1. Unbroken

by Laura Hillenbrand 

#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE • Hailed as the top nonfiction book of the year by Time magazine • Winner of the Los Angeles Times Book Prize for biography and the Indies Choice Adult Nonfiction Book of the Year award

Louie just passed this week. Amazing man, Amazing Story!!!!!

2. Seeing with New Eyes

by David Powlison

This book explores two main topics.

- Scripture: God’s voice speaks into real life to reveal the gaze and intentions of the Christ who pursues us. How do we embrace, probe, and unravel Scripture?

- Understanding people amid their real life struggles: How do we embrace, probe, and unravel the problems of daily life?

We learn how to see many of life’s struggles through the lens of Scripture, including

- Worry

- Victimization

- Love languages

- Biological Psychiatry

3. What's Best Next

by Matthew Perman and Forward by John Piper

Do Work That Matters Productivity isn't just about getting more things done. It's about getting the right things done---the things that count, make a difference, and move the world forward. 

Click Here for a recent post on the book. Book Notes coming soon.

4. Effective Parenting in a Defective World

by Chip Ingram

A parent's greatest desire is to raise a child who can face anything with wisdom and confidence. But in a world of over-extended schedules, amoral messages, and incessant peer-pressure, how can you raise a confident child that follows God's will, not the world's?  Practical tips for modeling right living, building strong bonds, and disciplining effectively will help parents bringing up Christ-centered kids who feel secure and significant no matter what comes their way. 

Click Here for the Book Notes

5. Embracing Obscurity

by Anonymous (no seriously, the author purposely did not write their name)

As pride creeps in, we are tempted to want more: more recognition, more admiration, more influence, more, more, more. Few have ever given thought to wanting less. That’s why we need Embracing Obscurity. When we stop imitating the world and instead choose to embrace obscurity, real life -- chock full of significance, purpose, and renewed passion -- begins.

Honorable Mentions:

We have started reading to the kids at night while they are tucked away in their beds. Yeah, it is that awesome!

Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe 

Chronicles of Narnia: The Magician's Nephew

Still to read this Summer:

1. A Praying Life (Re-Read)

by Paul E. Miller 

2. Love Focused: Living Life to its Fullest

by Bob and Judy Hughes

3. Loving your God with all your Mind

by J. P. Moreland

4. Called to Coach

by Bobby Bowden

5. Humility and Absolute Surrender  

by Andrew Murray 

What are your currently reading?  

Any recommendations? 

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