Looking ahead

Thank you for following and reading these posts. I hope some of the issues and ideas I have presented over the last few months have been helpful in your pursuit to becoming a better leader. 

We have big changes coming to CoachAyers.com.

I will now be posting 3 times a week. If you are a subscriber you will receive in your email inbox a post on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings for the foreseeable future. 


I also currently have 3 available spots for leadership, life, and executive coaching. Email me at JT@CoachAyers.com or you can Click Here for more information. 

New Class & a New Direction

I am now teaching a class focused on leadership development in public education (Awesome, right?). Some of my posts will be guided from the weekly lessons based on my curriculum for the class.

Some of the topics will include, but are not limited to:

Values, Purpose Statements

Time Management


Effects of Social Media


Importance of Reading


Emotions (handling stress, anger, happiness)

Communication - personal (face to face)

Communication - impersonal (phone, text, email)

Caring for Others (poverty, hunger, homelessness, inequality, slavery)


Common Mental Mistakes

Mental Mistake Solutions

Busyness and multitasking

How you can help:

I need more resources. For every one post, I average about 1-3 hours of research plus another hour to write. If you have come across anything or currently have interesting articles that can help my class, my website, or my own leadership please forward it on. 

Thank you for subscribing and may you be blessed in your leadership!

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