5 Things to Consider Before You Hire Someone

A leader is only good as the team around them. This means hiring the right person for the job. As a leader who is eager to delegate and empower the right people to do the right job, this means I must hire well. Unfortunately, I have made bad hires in the past. I strive to learn from these disappointments and move forward in my leadership. My hope is that these ill-advised decisions will be to your gain. 

Two ways to look at this post are the following:

1. As someone hiring someone else.

2. As someone looking to get hired.

My aim is that both work to your benefit. 

I want to personally thank you, Dave Kraft, for your coaching and leadership on many of these points. 

1.  Does your hire value leadership?  

Leadership often is a choice. This person must show you leadership is something they value. Can they motivate, communicate clearly, and help get someone from point A to point B in the most effective way possible? If they value being a good leader, then they would also understand what it looks like to be led. 

2. Does your hire desire to grow? 

You want to keep good people around. My fear is hiring someone that does not see the need to grow in their leadership, understanding, or discipline. When you stop learning - you stop leading. People that desire to grow are humble and eager to get better. I want my team to be full of these types of people.  

3.  Is your hire a team thinker rather than a solo thinker?

Dave Kraft has stated: "Is this person able to work in their own area and, at the same time, show interest and concern for the rest of the team and the bigger picture?  You can’t afford to have solo or turf thinking that works to the detriment of the team."

4.  Does your hire understand the MISSION? 

Dave Kraft asks, "Is he/she in agreement with the purpose, values, vision and strategic direction of your organization? You need purity at the leadership level. Sports broadcaster Brent Musburger made the comment that some people on certain sports teams are not only not on the same page as the rest of the team, but are not even in the same library. That cannot and must not be true of anyone on your team. This will hurt you more than anything I can think of."

5.  Does your hire fill a position that is needed?

Who are your hiring for?  Do they fill a void on your team that needs to be filled by the right person? I have seen hires happen for the following reasons that I would caution are not advised: Hiring someone as a favor to someone else, hiring to help the person applying, hiring as a favor to yourself (they are your friend). Hire to fill a void that fulfills the mission of the team! 

6.  If your hire excited for the opportunity?

Hiring someone not excited to lead with you or lead those that are about to follow them is not ideal. In fact, this should be avoided at all costs. An excited person is motivated, eager, will show up to all meetings, sees the purpose of decisions, wants to be led, and shows care for the position. You want someone who is excited. 

My greatest desire is to have a year where I would not need to hire someone because I have retained a team working hard and on mission for those they lead. 

In Summary: Hire Slowly - Fire Quickly

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